Partner Network
Turn your ideas into reality, stay
safer online and off, and focus on
what matters most with Truenorth
and Microsoft solutions.
Value Proposition
- Data volume grows about 40% annually.
- Storage costs are steadily increasing.
- Storage costs are steadily increasing.
- One hour of downtime for an organization can harm up to 1% of sales.
- In a span of two years, 79% of companies have had failures in their systems.
- With traditional backups, it may take more than one day to regain the required data.
- It is necessary to count on a constant, simple, safe, and accessible process to achieve a significant and positive change.
Cost Comparison
- Customer support will be provided by Truenorth’s Technical Support Center.
- The monthly billing will be settled directly through Truenorth’s billing system.
- The solution extends the protection of customers with the integration of technology and standardized processes.
- Customer data is one of the most valuable resources; it is crucial to protect it through a cost-effective alternative.
- Truenorth and Microsoft jointly support this offering.
Our clients
Do you need more information?
Write us an email, we are willing to help you.